Black and White Photography

Beautiful young lady smilingColor photographs may convey happy, bright, and chirpy moods, but nothing can beat the charm and timelessness of a black and white photograph. Black and white photography, also known as monochrome, is very popular among journalists and artists. This form of photography is mostly used in wedding pictures and portraits to give a classic or historic look.


In the early history of photography, photographs were only in black and white. This went on until later in 1930s when color photography was introduced. Color photography became even more popular when the price of color film and processing decreased. However, despite this, black and white photos have maintained their place with newspapers and artists. Today, many digital cameras have black and white settings as a testimony to the popularity of the style.


sunset-bwThis form of photography forces you to see the image rather than color. For example, a low-light image of shadows may appear like nothing in a color photo but can be very powerful in a black and white picture. This form of photography also conveys remarkable purity of an action or emotion. This is one major reason why newspapers still continue to print pictures in this format. This is also ideal for wedding photos and portraits since it has the ability to convey a classic and timeless look.

Tips for Shooting:

1) Choosing the Subject

Choosing a subject and focusing on it is very important. Some subjects may seem interesting in color and turn out looking dull and drab in black and white. To achieve a dramatic and dreamy effect, a photographer needs to have as few elements as possible. Landscapes, still life, and cityscapes make great subjects for black and white photography.

2) Light and Shadow

This form of photography is basically about light and shadow. For example, try to take a picture of a scene at different times of the day, you will notice how light and shadow affects this picture. Basically, the intensity and quality of light is very important.

3) Background and Texture

The background is very important; you want to make sure that the subject does not blend in or disappear into the surroundings. Texture can also add interest and definition to black and white photos. For example, a black and white photo of a roughly textured wall will definitely look more interesting than a smooth wall.